Take Your Artists To The Next Level In 2024

Partner with Virra to offer marketing, software, and much more to your artists

What Does Virra Do?

We empower artists by generating true fan engagement, retention, and consistent growth, free from industry noise and false metrics. We do this by running highly targeted paid ads for artists as part of our 1:1 artist growth program.

How Can This Benefit My Artists?

We partner with artist managers and music businesses to help scale their artists' music careers to the next level. We share the profits with you and help strategically scale your business free of cost.

Services for Artists

Our team does all the work and we split the profits

  • Laser-targeted ads on any platform

  • Independent artist software suite

  • Video editing and graphic design

  • Content strategy and release strategy

  • Website, email/SMS lists, AI tools for artists, and more

  • Dedicated marketing specialist

  • Weekly 1:1 strategy sessions

Bonuses For You

The more you succeed, the more we succeed. For that reason, we will implement the exact battle-tested processes and strategies we use at Virra for your business free of cost

  • Free access to our business growth software suite

  • Custom website and landing page design*

  • Sales and marketing automation

  • Access to our community of artists*

  • Advertisement on our website/social media

  • Paid advertisement (serviced at cost)

What Will This Do For Your Business?

Increase Earnings

Set your own prices and keep all earnings, while our team does all of the work on the back end. We handle all deliverables, customer service, and apply our 150% money back guarantee*

Enhance Visibility

The success of your business depends a great deal on the success of your artists. Gain visibility and participate in how your clients are marketing their music.

Stand Out

Stand out from your competitors by offering complementary services your artists are already looking for. Hyper-charge your performance with world-class processes and automations.


3 Common Questions

  1. How much are your services?

    • It depends on how many artists you have. Our 1:1 program is priced at $350/mo for individual artists. Artist managers and music businesses with multiple artists get access to exclusive group discount packages to make our program far more accessible (as low as $200/mo per artist).

  2. Are there any limitations to which artists you will work with?

    • We will only work with talented and serious artists that would benefit the most from our program. The music must be well-produced, mix and mastered, and overall be ready to show to the world! Other than that, we do not have any limitations on genre or size.

  3. How do I know these results are legitimate?

    • All our campaigns are backed with detailed reports and a 150% money back guarantee. Our goal is to get artists new, real, and engaged fans that stick around, come to shows, and buy merch. We only use paid ads to advertise our artists. We do not use any playlists, bots, engagement groups, hidden content, or any other methods that do not directly generate long-term fan engagement & retention.

*Earnings and income representations made by Virra Marketing, Inc. (virra.com), are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in offering Virra's services, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. Virra Marketing, Inc. makes no guarantee that you will increase your studio's profits or lifetime value of your existing clients by participating in Virra's white label partnership.